Commandos Behind Enemy Lines Patch Xp
Comandos.jpg' alt='Commandos Behind Enemy Lines Patch Xp' title='Commandos Behind Enemy Lines Patch Xp' />SWTOR 4. Seer Sage Pv. E Healing Guide by Dianiss. Class Guides 4. 0 Pv. E 4. 0 Sage SWTORDianiss. May 2. 5, 2. 01. 6SWTOR 4. Seer Sage Pv. E Healing Guide written by Dianiss. Prologue If youre here primarily to see the version 4. Commandos Behind Enemy Lines Patch Xp' title='Commandos Behind Enemy Lines Patch Xp' />The biggest totally free game fix trainer library online for PC Games httpsgamecopyworld. Search the worlds information, including webpages, images, videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what youre looking for. Includes downloads, cheats, reviews, and articles. Play free online games at Wired Arcade with nothing to download and no registration required. Play action games, adventure games, arcade games, puzzle games, shooting. Intro starting at Changes in Version 4. Gearing sections related to Crit, give the Healing Abilities section a quick review, and of course check out the expanded Force Management section and the all new Twelve Essential Good Habits of Force Management. Welcome back. Intro to Seer Sage. I make no bones about it I love Sages. From the first one I ever created now known as Dianiss its been hands down my favorite class. Its the only Jedi with range, its the only Jedi who can heal, plus the Consular class story is the very best one in HAHAHAHHAHA sorry, I couldnt finish that sentence with a straight face. Paint Shop Pro X4 Serial Keygen Crack. But my point is that Ive been playing this class continuously since 2. Ive been studying it intently the entire time. I hope that some of the things Ive learned along the way can be of benefit to others. The most interesting chicken in the world is back in his first sequel Rocketbirds 2 Evolution, where Hardboiled Chicken gets entangled in a mysterious and. I should also point out up front that this is strictly a Pv. E guide. I am not a Pv. P er, mainly because I just dont really enjoy it, and I could never claim to be an expert on Pv. P healing. To those of you who DO enjoy Pv. VOE-o7s/V0cVCbegTHI/AAAAAAAABdc/ac8ullK-mygEav8-nEL0bdpzWuAnHiQvgCLcB/s1600/1.jpg' alt='Commandos Behind Enemy Lines Patch Xp' title='Commandos Behind Enemy Lines Patch Xp' />P, Im sure there are some things here that will benefit you, but Your Mileage May Vary. Changes from 2. X to 3. Prior to 3. 0, Sages were THE undisputed Ao. E raid healer champions, literally being the only ones capable of healing more than 4 players at a time. TWO ways to do it. The tricky part was in managing that Force bar. If you went all burst and werent watching what you were doing, you could empty the gas tank quickly and be left standing there doing nothing. Instead, it was crucial to pace yourself and plan your usage of Noble Sacrifice so that you could sustain your levels and heal back the HP loss from it. The other tricky part is that, like a DPS Sage, youd function best as a stationary turret. So one of the things that would separate the good healers from the not so good was having the experience to know when and where you would need to move in each fight, so that you could keep the running to a minimum and get back into turret mode. Version 3. 0 changed ALL of that. On the plus side, all of the healing and Force costs of all abilities got reshuffled in such a way that you could almost sustain continuous healing without punching Noble Sacrifice at all. When you did hit it, it was off the GCD, so you didnt need so much me time any more. But the cherry on top of that thick layer of sweet, sweet icing was that the new 4x Set Bonus removed the health penalty from it used properly, so you could punch it with impunity. On the down side, THEY KILLED MY SALVATIONSure, they made it sticky so that once a player touches it, it stays with themthats useful and creates a couple of interesting new ways it can be leveraged. But the NUMBERS Under 2. I used to pride myself on being able to generate single Salvation ticks of over 1. But after 3. 0, at level 6. Bi. S gear, I could barely break 1. I was the only Sage Id ever seen do it. In the end, 3. 0 forced the Sage to give up the raid healing crown, because the v. Salvation was a JOKE compared to the Scoundrels Kolto Wave, which easily exceeds the raw numbers of even the v. Salvation. As a consolation prize, the Sage got the new Wandering Mend, which mostly serves to make Sage healing EASIER. Changes in Version 3. Version 3. 3 came along and, for the most part, made it more like it was before 3. There were some obvious changes. Noble Sacrifice was removed and Vindicate was added in its placewith the notable difference that Vindicate doesnt ever steal health. The Force Mystics set bonus was tweaked so that the 4x bonus which, used properly, eliminated the HP penalty from Noble Sacrifice now increases the amount of Force regeneration Vindicate does. Salvation got buffed, now doing an extra 2. HP of healing PER TICK in the same gear. But there were some subtle changes, too. Every healing ability had the amount of healing it does increased, and the Force cost of using it increased more or less proportionally. Vindicate is on the GCD, so you can no longer cheat by hitting it in between two other abilities. The penalty for using your stacks of Resplendence to speed up your Salvation cast had been essentially eliminated. In the UI, the Conveyance effect no longer lights up all your healing abilities. The net effect of all of it is that pre 3. Force management was back. Overall, you would be using more Force in the same amount of time, but naturally regenerating it at the same rate. This is slightly offset by the fact that some GCDs will be spent on Vindicate which recovers Force and does not consume it. The loss of Healing per Second caused by Vindicate being on the GCD is more than offset by the increase in healing done by all your abilities. So overall, Version 3. Sage Healers IF YOU CAN MANAGE YOUR FORCE USAGE. If not, 3. 3 gave you all the rope you needed to hang yourself by making it disturbingly easy to burn through all your Force until the well is dry, rendering yourself near useless until you can get it back. Changes in Version 4. Version 4. 0 came along and, for the most part, flipped it right back into easy mode like it was in 3. Force costs of the various abilities. Pc Mic Echo Mixer Software. It otherwise made no real changes whatsoever to how the class is played. On the other hand, 4. HUGE changes to stats and gearing for all classes and specs. Beyond play mechanics, the changes to CritSurge in 4. EVERY DPS and healing classspec. More on that below. Taken together, the increased Crit in the gear further contributed to making Force management easier because you could use Healing Trance without Rejuvenate and still have a good chance at getting Resplendence procs without it. Changes in Version 4. On 51. 31. 6, Eric Musco wrote Seer Sages are presently exceptional healers who outperform the other healing disciplines in the game and create unbalanced Pv. E and Pv. P scenarios. And with those words Bioware swung the pendulum back again. HARD. While none of the abilities were changed in terms of how they work or how they interact with each other, all seven of the major healing abilities got a 2. Force costs. Those Force cost increases put us firmly back into the 3. Force management, which means you have to watch your ability usage a lot more closely and develop some new habits that you probably didnt have to have before now. On the plus side, those same abilities got a 2 3 increase in healing output. Excuse me while I get this out of my system WELL WHOOP DE FRICKIN DOOOO Okay, Im back now. But fear not. With a little bit of practice and a little gear tweaking if youre still having trouble, you can still easily maintain the kind of HPS values youll need for HM operations in the 6. Ks, and push into the 7. Ks and higher as you get better at your Force management. Drivermax Cnet. This updated guide for version 4. Ive managed to exceed 1. K HPS over 5 minutes in an Op fight by going completely fluffernutter. Yes. Its true. We Sages have indeed taken a solid smack to the face with Ye Olde Nerffe Batte, but only in that the spec has become tricky to play effectively, instead of easy to play like it was. Sages have lost nothing at all in terms of capability and viability.